Adventures of Italians in the Leningrad region: where did Nizovsky "persist"?

Behind the resignation of Andrei Nizovsky may be the initiative of Alexander Drozdenko, for whom he turned into a "toxic asset," despite even the personal devotion of the official to his chief.


Behind the resignation of Andrei Nizovsky may be the initiative of Alexander Drozdenko, for whom he turned into a "toxic asset," despite even the personal devotion of the official to his chief.

Andrei Nizovsky's municipal career unexpectedly ended - the day before he suddenly resigned for health reasons from the post of head of the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district. But Nizovsky was called the possible successor to Alexander Drozdenko as governor of the Leningrad region.

Earlier, Mr. Nizovsky did not demonstrate signs of poor health. According to our sources, it was Drozdenko who could bother him to leave - allegedly, the figure of Nizovsky and the scandals surrounding him began to cost the head of the region too much, and could seriously complicate further career prospects. And then attract the attention of law enforcement agencies.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Leningrad region.

Almost no one believes in the official version of Nizovsky's resignation. The permanent head of the Vsevolozhsk region since 2016 looked richly healthy, similar to a special forces officer. Previously, he took part in the military operation in Dagestan at the beginning of the 2000s, and in general, as they say, did not foreshadow anything.

Shershe la fam of Vsevolozhsk bottling

According to 47news, the reason could be that after the start of the SVO, the Russian authorities began to closely monitor the foreign assets of the families of civil servants. Responsibility for the presence of foreign accounts is now not only with officials and deputies, but also with their official spouses.

And Nizovsky's wife just last year left for Italy for confectioner courses. Apparently, she could still be there. Moreover, she made herself a bank card through Uzbekistan in order to be able to function normally in Europe. Perhaps it was because of this account that Nizovsky could have problems.

But it may be a different matter. According to the authors of the Business Point website, allegedly, already during the leadership of the district, a certain Sergei Puzikov became a partner in Nizovsky's affairs, with whom they allegedly organized hidden tenders "for their own," giving the construction company ProRepairy LLC land for the construction of a shopping center in the village named after Morozov.

It seems that this became known, the auction tried to invalidate. At the same time, two cadastral plots for construction from the local administration of Nizovsky were combined into one. As a result, the company ProRepairy LLC "handed over" the object, in fact only laying the foundation. At the same time, the building without windows and doors was immediately bought by Puzikov himself.

Earlier, our publication found out that a certain Sergei Anatolyevich Puzikov was the general director of a construction company from the Leningrad region, Sistema LLC. And until 2016, the founder of this organization was Anastasia Nizovskaya, an alleged close relative of the official. Perhaps just his spouse. And this already hints at a possible conflict of interest.


But a wife is a wife. But there are other women in the world. For example, Marine Tonoyan, a long-term deputy official as head of the Vsevolozhsk region, who was appointed chairman of the State Property Management Committee (KUGI) of the Leningrad Region at the beginning of 2023. This is one of the most important, key committees. There are rumors that Nizovsky and Tonoyan may be in close relations.

Together they worked until the administration of Vsevolozhsk. Namely in Rosreestr. It seems that this experience and connections, coupled with the powers of the leaders of the richest district of the Leningrad region, turned out to be very useful for Marine Tonoyan. Earlier, The Moscow Post made an investigation, during which it suggested that Marine's possible father, Radik Tonoyan, being bankrupt, managed to be the owner of several large land plots in the Kirovsky district of the Leningrad region.

Marine Tonoyan also gets out of office? Photo:

Before Rosreestr, Andrei Nizovsky worked as deputy of Vladimir Artemyev, the then head of Rosnedvizhimost for law enforcement. According to the author of the skurkys blog on the LiveJournal platform, allegedly then Nizovsky put on cadastral accounting the land of state farms, forest land, land that once belonged to the Ministry of Defense, without land surveying. It turned out that the site is registered, and no one knows where it is and what its size and limits are.

And later, according to the author of the blog, land frauds with municipal lands in the Vsevolozhsk district were revealed. Land shares of former state farms (agricultural land) suddenly turned out to be plots within the boundaries of settlements, namely Vsevolozhsk, Toksovo, Bugrov, Kudrovo, and the purpose of the plots was transferred to housing and commercial construction. Are there any among them who later ended up with Radik Tonoyan?

Note that earlier Nizovsky also managed to visit the head of the State Procurement Committee of the Leningrad Region, where tons of budget money were to pass through it.

Given the current powers of Marine Tonoyan, the situation with Nizovsky's departure is "not fighting" again. Your long-term deputy holds a grain position, and you are predicted the post of governor. And what if - resignation?

Another story is connected with the deputy of Nizovsky, who suddenly left his post as head of the district, Andrei Karetkin. On June 22, 2023, Karetkin resigned one day of his own free will. And a few days later, large-scale searches of security officials took place in the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district. According to Fontanka, they showed special interest in the work of Karetkin.

Subsequently, it turned out that the searches were related to a criminal case initiated on the situation with the long-term construction of the Yaninsky Cascade-5. Investigators were interested in the period when the district administration, according to the developer, should, and according to the municipalities, should not, prolong the lease agreement. The actions of officials could affect the developer's ability to finish the object.

Given how the events with Karetkin developed, is it possible to expect that searches will soon take place there again, but Andrei Nizovsky will become the subject of interest this time? It is possible that both he and Karetkin have already left the country.

"Unfasten" from Drozdenko

You can write about the affairs of Nizovsky, Tonoyan and other officials close to them for a long time. Against this background, it is easy to assume that Nizovsky may be afraid of the attention of the security forces in any of these situations.

All scandals related to Nizovsky also beat Drozdenko. According to the authors of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, allegedly today the district is completely controlled by an informal group consisting of deputies, municipal officials of various levels, criminal authorities and security officials, and Andrei Nizovsky, close to Governor Drozdenko, helps all of them to work "in conjunction."

These rumors, coupled with searches and criminal cases against people from Drozdenko's team, could seriously prevent him from doing his usual business. Recall that one of his closest associates, the former "construction" vice-governor Mikhail Moskvin, is still in the Moscow pre-trial detention center in a criminal case on receiving a particularly large bribe for general patronage of Daniil Fedichev. At the time of the acts incriminated to Moskvin, Fedichev headed the "Directorate for the Integrated Development of the Territory of the Leningrad Region," was a deputy of the regional parliament.

Could this happen without Drozdenko's knowledge? Doubtful. And then - searches in Vsevolozhsk, Karetkin, other "incidents."

Everything went to the fact that Drozdenko himself could ask questions. And just in part of Nizovsky, in the area of ​ ​ which many scandals took place. But he really wants to be elected governor again in 2025. By the way, according to the law, he will not be able to do this - this is his second term, and it is impossible to be elected three times in a row.

Alexander Drozdenko and Andrey Nizovsky are no longer colleagues. Photo:

The funny thing is that in 2022 Drozdenko himself tried to lift this restriction through the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. He became the first head of the region who personally showed such an initiative. Deputies did not support him. But there are still almost two years to go before the election - there will surely be new attempts.

It is also suspicious that just on the day of Nizovsky's resignation, Drozdenko was on a business trip in Veliky Novgorod. As if he had nothing to do with it at all, and may not even have been notified by his protege.

It very seems that tired of the negativity around Nizovsky and his people, Alexander Drozdenko decided to insure himself, and he himself initiated his resignation. Will this only help the governor himself stay in big politics?