Zakharova: foreign journalists who crossed the border of the Kursk region did not apply for visas or accreditation

Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.


Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.

Traditionally, The Moscow Post also had the opportunity to ask its questions.

The first question concerned the topic of accreditation of foreign journalists to cover the situation in the Kursk region.

Have Western journalists applied to the Russian Foreign Ministry for accreditation to work in the Kursk region, other western regions of the Russian Federation? Was there a reaction to this terrorist attack from the SCO and CSTO member states?

"No, they didn't apply for visas or accreditation... Those who illegally crossed the border of our country did not apply to the Foreign Ministry for registration, "Zakharova said.

At the same time, she noted that a large number of foreign journalists legally work in the Kursk region and neighboring border regions. She recalled that foreign journalists need Russian visas to come to Russia, and accreditation from the Russian Foreign Ministry to work.

In addition, Moscow requires all foreign journalists to comply with Russian law.

As for the reaction of the SCO and CSTO member states, our friendly countries are following the development of events in the Kursk region with the most serious attention, noting the comprehensive measures that our country is taking to protect civilians and eliminate the consequences of another terrorist attack by the Nazi regime in Kyiv.

In particular, the SCO member states, among which there are also CSTO member states, react in the same way, as evidenced by the signals received through bilateral channels.

Obviously, they will react this way, because the fight against terrorism is one of the priorities in the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its specialized units, Zakharova emphasized.

She said that at the request of the CSTO member states, Russia transmits objective information on the situation in the Kursk region and on Russian approaches to resolving the Ukrainian crisis in general through bilateral channels.

"In particular, on August 10, the Belarusian Foreign Ministry issued a harsh condemnation of the, as it was said, senseless adventure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, emphasized the unacceptability of attacks on the civilian population and infrastructure, qualified them as acts of terror, expressed support for the residents of the Kursk region and solidarity with them," she said.

She also said that the Belarusian allies took decisive military measures to strengthen the Belarusian-Ukrainian section of the border of the Union State in order to prevent Russia from being hit in the back from other directions.

The second question touched upon the topic that Mongolia did not include Gazprom's Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline in the national development plan until 2028. Our correspondent was interested in how negotiations on this topic are going.

We consider the construction of a new main gas pipeline "Power of Siberia-2," by the way, its official "Union East" as one of the most significant regional energy and infrastructure projects. The project is at a high level of readiness.

"And we are absolutely sure that it meets the interests of all participants and in the future will become an important part of the Russia-Mongolia-China economic corridor," she stressed.

Maria Zakharova recalled how events developed.

So, initially the initiative to lay a gas pipeline from Russia to China through the territory of Mongolia was put forward by Ulan Bator almost 15 years ago - within the framework of the Steppe Way national program, which was aimed at developing the transit potential of this country.

It is also important to keep in mind that the trans-Mongolian route was considered as one of the alternatives when designing the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. Subsequently, all Mongolian leaders, regardless of party affiliation, have repeatedly returned to the discussion of this idea within the framework of bilateral contacts since 2014, as well as in a trilateral format with the participation of representatives of China.

The decision to start preparatory work was made by the leaders of Russia and Mongolia in 2021. The cost of a joint special-purpose company, the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline, carrying out design and survey work.

Thus, according to the approved schedule, in January 2022, the Mongolian side approved the feasibility study of the project, as well as agreed on the route, the necessary engineering penalties of the study were carried out.

At the end of December 2023, the development of project documentation was completed. Maria Vladimirovna noted that the total length of the gas pipeline across Mongolia will be 962 kilometers. The gas pipeline will include five compressor stations, and the pumping volume will be up to 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.

The project is in a high degree of readiness, the beginning of practical implementation will be possible immediately after agreeing with the Chinese side of the price conditions and volume of supplies and reaching the signing of binding documents. Relevant negotiations are underway between Gazprom and the China National Oil and Gas Corporation. "

According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, "if initially the Mongolian partners wanted to limit themselves only to the role of a transit country, now the possibility of using part of the cheap pipeline gas for the development of their own economy, industry and infrastructure is being considered."

The third question concerned the celebration of September 3 - Victory Day over militaristic Japan and the end of World War II (1945).

Moscow is now conducting appropriate preparations for this important memorial league for the Day of Military Glory of Russia.

According to the Russian Federation, this holiday is of great importance for the correct interpretation of the key events of the twentieth century.

"This is a kind of fulfillment of our human duty to the participant in the hostilities on the Far Eastern Front of World War II, to representatives of public and veteran organizations, as well as for the patriotic education of future generations," Maria Vladimirovna emphasized.

She stressed that the updated decree of the President of the Russian Federation on June 24, 2023, absolutely fairly and accurately reflects the historical truth and emphasizes the enduring significance of the great feat of the Soviet army, which made a decisive contribution to the surrender of Japan and the establishment of the long-awaited peace on the planet.

This year the celebrations will be held at a new, higher level. In particular, a solemn meeting is scheduled for September 3 in Moscow with the widest participation of state and public structures.

During this event, it is planned to pay great attention to the preparation program for the upcoming 80th anniversary of the victory over militaristic Japan and the end of World War II, concluded Maria Vladimirovna.