Old friends, old enemies: Putin in the Pacific Rim

Vladimir Putin continues a short Southeast Asia tour. Reaction of the West is predictable.

Фото: nhandan.vn

Vladimir Putin continues a short Southeast Asia tour. Reaction of the West is predictable.

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin last night profit on a visit to Vietnam. This country was one of the closest allies of the Soviet Union in the Pacific Rim. Now the Pacific Rim gains a bigger value, than earlier: its residents ask for BRICS, and the USA is collected by an analog of NATO in the Pacific Ocean for opposition with China.

Details - in material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

Tells a lot of things about importance of these visits. We will remind that China - the main, strategic partner of Russia in all Far East and the Pacific Rim became the first country where Vladimir Putin went after re-election. Now the President visits the DPRK and Vietnam.

Together with him the impressive delegation went there. Its structure speaks about much: the first Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Alexander Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt, Deputy Minister of Defence Aleksei Krivoruchko, head of Roskosmos Yury Borisov, head of the Russian Railway Oleg Belozyorov and governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako.

Thus, all circle of issues - economic, political, military and technical is discussed. In a case with the DPRK it already led to signing of the strategic, comprehensive contract on cooperation between the countries. It is clear, that he prepared in advance - at least, from a visit of the head of the DPRK Kim Jong-un to the Far East of Russia. This agreement already caused real "itch" in our former western partners. In rapprochement of the Russian Federation and the DPRK they saw signs of fast disbalance of all security system in the Pacific Rim.

However, even before the USA together with the closest allies, Australia and Great Britain, created AUKUS - military alliance as NATO, only in Asia at the Chinese coast. Now in him try to involve other countries: in particular, this policy is supported completely by Japan.

Besides, there are considerable fears that the Russian Federation can transfer the DPRK nuclear and rocket technologies which will threaten practically all nearby military bases of the USA.

Now Putin - in Vietnam. Our country battled against Vietnamese side by side during the American aggression. Since then between our countries the special relations which are protected both in Hanoi, and in Moscow.

For Putin this trip to Vietnam the fifth. Earlier he visited this Asian state in 2001, 2006, 2013 and 2017. Both then and now the program - more, than saturated. The President of Russia will hold negotiations with all four of heads of Vietnam. In Hanoi his meetings with the secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Foo Chongguom, the president To Lahm, the prime minister Fam Min Tinem and the chairman of the National Assembly Chan Tkhan Mang will take place.

The first point in the program on Thursday — a ceremony of an official meeting of Putin with the president To Lahm, then bilateral negotiations and exchange of the signed documents will take place, the statement of two presidents for media is expected then. Further at Putin negotiations with the prime minister of Vietnam Fam Min Tinem in a format of a working breakfast during which issues of economic character will be discussed are planned.

Then the conversation with Nguyen Foo Chongguom, after that - assignment of a wreath to a memorial of the fallen heroes and to Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum is expected. Further the conversation of the President of Russia with the chairman of the National Assembly will take place.

You shouldn't expect signing of the agreement similar to that which Russia concluded with the DPRK. At the same time, it is obvious that in a situation of geopolitical tension Russia remains one of the most dear and significant players not only in Europe, but also in Asia - despite domination of the USA and China in this part of the world.

At the same time the bilateral joint statement which will confirm the principles of comprehensive strategic partnership between two countries is expected, a number of documents on cooperation in various areas, in particular, the intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the higher education will also be signed.

Among already known plans: The Russian company Novatek plans to start the projects connected with the liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the territory of Vietnam

Anyway a current Asian tour of Vladimir Putin - continuation of policy of creation of the multipolar world which engine is our country. And all attempts to stop or belittle value of these visits only show that concern and even fear which causes activity of our country in the Pacific Rim.