At the suggestion of Sergei Sobyanin, having pumped up Pavel Te's Stroginskoye LLC company with state money, it was put under the hammer, at a price twice the authorized capital.
Pavel Te was once again "swung" by a former state asset at a similar price.
LLC "Capital Group" from the division of the developer Te from the auction acquired a freshly created company from the government "Mosvodokanal," which previously pumped 261 million rubles.
Looking at the requirements for bidders, it seems that they wrote them for a specific winner.
The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.
In mid-February 2024, Capital Group LLC had a new asset in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - Stroginskoye LLC. The company is quite remarkable. It was created on September 18, 2023 and immediately more than 261 million rubles were pumped into it (into the authorized capital). The director at the stage of creating the company was a certain Elizaveta Nazarieva - the namesake of an official from the Moscow region, who in 2017 held the post of deputy head of the administration of the Ruzsky urban district in the Moscow region.

The owners of the fresh asset were the government Mosvodokanal and its subsidiary legal entity, Vte Yugo-Vostok JSC. The head of Mosvodokanal is an official from Sobyanin's team - Alexander Ponomarenko. The Ponomarenko family has repeatedly appeared in scandalous publications, since it has long acquired a whole business empire, probably not without the help of Vice Mayor Pyotr Biryukov.
The Moscow Post previously told how Ponomarenko's son Maxim grabbed 53 hectares near the Istra reservoir for an elite spa hotel with a separate beach, a helipad and his own pier pier.
At the same time, it turned out that the Ponomarenko family had assets abroad - a hotel in Berlin and two French companies - SCI Anastasia and Alexander et Fils.
Judging by the documents from the French register, SCI Lavender Field, a firm from Monaco, represented by its representative, Ponomarenko's wife, Lyubov Komissarenko (nee Sirota), took part in the creation of SCI Anastasia. It is known from the company's charter that SCI Anastasia was registered with real estate in France with a total value of 1.14 million euros.


That SCI Anastasia, that Alexander et Fils lasted almost until mid-2021.
At the same time, the full namesake of the official's wife Ponomarenko (Lyubov Komissarenko) had (or is there?) Two companies in Slovakia - KLP Development s.r.o. и Evanka s.r.o.

And here's an amusing coincidence: the beneficiaries of the company, which was bought by Stroginskoye LLC Pavel Te and his wife, also found a craving for French real estate.
As UtroNews previously told, Pavel Te, his wife Olga Karput and their children, judging by the French register, have a Brachium company in Paris.
This company has ownership of three apartments in Paris, while purchased on a mortgage taken from a foreign bank, which, judging by the documents, must still be paid.

And now the interests of two lovers of foreign apartments have also come together in a deal that raises a lot of questions.
Deal with two unknowns
Created in mid-September 2023, Stroginskoye LLC, having pumped up state money, was put up for auction in December. The initial price of the lot was 428 million rubles.

Rather, any site followed the fate of the asset, but it was not possible to establish the details for certain. Meanwhile, one of the owners of Stroginsky, Vte Yugo-Vostok JSC, was a tenant of a land plot of 58.3 thousand square meters. meters, which was transferred to him by the Moscow City Property Department in 2021. Perhaps this particular allotment followed the sold Stroginskoye LLC?

At these auctions, questions are raised about the requirements for the participant, from which, in our opinion, it smacks of eyeliner for a certain winner.
Judge for yourself.
The applicant must make a deposit - 428 million rubles, which is affordable only for large developers. A legal entity participant, moreover, over the past three years, the total profit should be at least 1.47 billion rubles, which also eliminates small and medium-sized companies.
In addition, the applicant must have experience in participating in the construction/reconstruction of linear facilities/water supply or sewerage facilities. Rather murky requirements, don't you think?

The feeling that the purchase of Stroginsky is another scheme of the mayor's office and Te for subsequent resale does not leave.
I immediately recall the deal to sell 60 hectares of land to the former Mig plant, which Te bought from the mayor's office for 988 million rubles, although earlier the Moscow authorities bought this plot from Rostec for about 35 billion rubles. Apparently, it was not for nothing that Mr. Te in an interview with Vedomosti spoke directly about the special relationship and the degree of trust with the capital's mayor's office.
By the way, in the same interview, he stated that no more than 10 major players would remain on the market. Apparently, he sees himself as one of these players, and all small things will enter the market, for example, through the same Te close to Sobyanin. It is not for nothing that in narrow circles there is an expression that if you want to work in the Moscow construction market, go to Te. He has already brought to the capital's site many different defendants, including those with a tarnished reputation.
Te's scheme has long been known: to buy a large asset, split it into smaller ones and sell it at a profit for yourself. At the same time, the Te division does not disdain Cypriot legal entities.
From pocket to pocket
After the scandal with the announcement of the developer on the wanted list by the Kyrgyz authorities on suspicion of financing Kamcha Kolbaev's organized crime group (later the criminal prosecution was terminated), an incomprehensible fuss takes place in the Te division. For example, people close to Te begin to massively stamp new legal entities, like the same Maria Pak.
And on April 10, 2024, the same Pak transfers his stake in Pantheon Group LLC to Pavel Te's son German. The main owner remained Pavel Te. Since January 2024, this particular Pantheon Group has been a co-owner of Capital Group LLC, which has become the buyer of Stroginsky, together with Holding Development LLC. The latter is also controlled by Pavel Te. Such a transfer from pocket to pocket occurs with other assets of the division.
By the way, the same Maria Pak on April 8, 2024 transferred her stake in the IT company KG IT (previously called LLC Firm Hawa) to German Te.

Until 2022, KG IT was engaged in the sale and purchase of real estate, only later changing its main activity. At the same time, the company itself, created in 1997, got in 2019 from the Cypriot company Swanton League Services Limited. In open bases, the offshore is still active. Doesn't he belong?

As we can see, all the scandals flow off Mr. Cho like water off a goose. It seems that while Sobyanin is in power, any interest of the competent authorities in the developer is unlikely to end in something serious. The story with the Kyrgyz authorities is only a confirmation of this.