"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Responsibility for the disaster at the solid waste landfill near Borisovskaya may be borne by people close to ex-State Duma deputy Vladimir Sinyagovsky and his family members.


Responsibility for the disaster at the solid waste landfill near Borisovskaya may be borne by people close to ex-State Duma deputy Vladimir Sinyagovsky and his family members.

As the correspondent of UtroNews reports, near Novorossiysk for several days they have not been able to extinguish the fire that broke out at the solid waste landfill in the village of Borisovka. More than 45 personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and 20 pieces of equipment work on the spot, but it has not yet been possible to defeat the fire.

Acrid smog is spreading around the district, the situation threatens with environmental and social disaster. What caused the fire remains to be determined. But the operator of the landfill is well known - this is the Terra-N company, which is associated with the family of the influential former State Duma deputy Vladimir Sinyagovsky.

The Sinyagovsky family is one of the richest and most powerful in the Kuban. Before leaving for the State Duma in 2016, Vladimir Sinyagovsky was the mayor of Novorossiysk for 13 years. This city, and the entire region, is literally permeated with the business interests of people close to it. The owners of Terra-N, who may be responsible for the emergency near Borisovskaya - from the same cohort?

It seems that the Sinyagovskys organized a real "garbage fight" with other people close to the authorities of Novorossiysk. Terra-N LLC was registered in 2007. Now the owners of the structure are well-known businessmen in the city Dmitry Bakulin, Roman Nasbiyan, Andrey Naboka and Anna Dyachenko. The latter is the full namesake of the wife of the former head of Novorossiysk Igor Dyachenko.

But Andrei Naboka received his 28% stake only recently - in February 2024. And it belonged to Sergei Sinyagovsky - the son of ex-State Duma deputy and ex-head of Novorossiysk Vladimir Sinyagovsky. It is possible that he remained among the beneficiaries, "shifting the risks" to Naboku. The founder of 13 legal entities, Roman Nasbiyan, is also suitable for this role.

"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

The amount of government contracts of Terra-N LLC related to the activities of the landfill is 67 million rubles as a supplier and 300 million rubles as a customer. Money passes through it for the transportation of garbage not only from Novorossiysk, but also from Gelendzhik. Apparently, there were no other people who wanted to "spud" these hundreds of millions of rubles, except for the relatives of the former mayors, on the market.

"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

If there were no excesses, no one would remember this. But it did not cost. But in Terra-N itself, they have repeatedly announced plans to modernize the landfill. The company planned to increase the landfill area by 1.5 times. How the locals feel about this does not seem to interest anyone at all. Apparently, either the modernization did not go according to plan, or the money for it was corny stolen.

What kind of modernization - earlier the company was brought to administrative responsibility for carrying out activities without an appropriate license. According to the results of the audit conducted in March 2023, it turned out that the company was burying waste of the 4th hazard class, which is not in the license of Terra-N LLC. Employees of the supervisory authority found containers from under petroleum products and car tires.

The fine for this was ridiculous for the Sinyagovsky family 40 thousand rubles.

Sinyagovsky "penetrated" everywhere

At the same time, even officially registered media compare Vladimir Sinyagovsky and his entourage with the octopus that entangled the entire Kuban. And not only Kuban, because Vladimir held a full cadence in the lower house of parliament. And his son Sergei Sinyagovsky, who was a co-owner of Terra-N, worked in the past as deputy head of the Moscow Main Investigation Department of the TFR. So you have a power resource?

However, recently Sergei has big problems, and this is not only about the training ground in Borisovka. In 2020, he was put on the federal wanted list after a well-known shootout in Moscow City during the anniversary of businessman Dmitry Pavlov. Sergei Sinyagovsky was suspected of forgery and falsification of evidence during the investigation of this incident. And his dad, it seems, did not lead and ear. Where Sergey Sinyagovsky is now is unknown.

At the same time, Sergei Vladimirovich, put on the wanted list, remains the owner and head of a series of companies. Among them are several developers working in the Krasnodar Territory: LLC SZ Poseidon 3, LLC SZ Poseidon 2. Would you trust such a developer with your money? Also, the former investigator Sinyagovsky has an extremely profitable Slavyansky Market LLC, located in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban, which is headed by his close relative.

"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Another well-known Sinyagovsky, the nephew of ex-deputy Ruslan, "penetrated" the customs authorities. Back in 2017, he was caught by the hand on a bribe when he worked as deputy head of the Kavkaz seaport post in Krasnodar customs. He was found guilty and instead of the 9 years of imprisonment requested by the prosecutor's office, a fine of 31 million rubles was imposed. For the Sinyagovsky family, this amount does not look serious. Didn't the influential uncle and connections in the TFR help to avoid real imprisonment?

Today Ruslan Sinyagovsky is quietly engaged in business. He is a co-owner of Platan-s LLC with assets of almost 30 million rubles. He has STM Group of Companies LLC as partners. Its sole owner is Yevgeny Yevlanov, the son of the former mayor of Krasnodar, Vladimir Yevlanov. The company has government contracts for 20 million rubles.

"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

"On the farm" and another nephew of the former people's choice - Roman Sinyagovsky, who has been the head of the administration of one of the richest districts of the Krasnodar Territory - Slavyansky for more than 10 years.

The Sinyagovskys also "penetrated" the judiciary. The full namesake of Vladimir Sinyagovsky's daughter, Oksana Sinyagovskaya, works as a judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnodar.

According to Infox, allegedly Oksana can own an expensive mansion, obtained not without the help of a high-ranking parent. And the same nephew Roman allegedly helps local deputies from the Legislative Assembly of the region in exchange for lucrative government contracts.

In addition, the alleged wife of Sinyagovsky, Evgenia Sinyagovskaya, may own the Sosnovaya Roshcha holiday home, the Lyubo-Dorogo restaurants and the Rubikor company, which sells building materials.

As for Sinyagovsky himself, then, according to the Web, allegedly after coming to the post of mayor of Novorossiysk, he allowed "authorities" to get used to the city - i.e. those who, in one way or another, can make acquaintance with representatives of criminals.

Thanks to this, an authoritative businessman Shalva Gibradze appeared in Novorossiysk, who in 2020 became the owner of the Rostov Electromechanical Plant. In addition, under Sinyagovsky, Gibradze began to build the Zolotoy Bereg residential complex on the seashore.

"Aksakal" Sinyagovsky on a mountain of money and garbage?

Do members of the family of Vladimir Sinyagovsky consider themselves the owners of the Kuban? Photo: https://sevadm.ru/news/all_news/obshestvo/41654/

But even before the mayor, Vladimir Sinyagovsky had many interesting things to do. Recall that until February 1992, Sinyagovsky was the general director of Agropromtekhnika CJSC. According to the Network, he allegedly later transferred the management of Agropromtekhnika to "his" people, and in 2002 Agropromtekhnika was placed under bankruptcy. And on this basis, 3 completely new companies were created: STS-agro, Agroremont and Glass Plant LLC, the beneficiary of which could be Vladimir Sinyagovsky.

It's amazing why no one has tested him for a possible conflict of interest in all these years. Perhaps it's time to study his works, so to speak, in retrospect? Then maybe the life of the residents of the village of Borisovka, forced to live next door to the mountains of burning garbage, will improve faster.